5 Exercises to Build A Better Squat In 2025
Dec 31, 2024Every human should be able to squat. Yet not every human can, or get to the rock bottom position with ease and strength.
To help with that, you can practice "rock bottom" squat drills.
These will help improve your mobility to reach full depth on your squat, while also building the core strength to maintain it safely under load.
There are 4 progressive exercises to work on that will build your mobility, strength, and capacity to perform the 5th advanced exercise, the Zercher Squat.
In today's video, Mark demonstrates each movement with a slam ball to eventually progress to a loaded barbell Zercher.
However, if you don't have a slam ball, he also gives options to work these movements with a sandbag or kettlebell.
So you have no excuse to improve your squat in 2025!
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