Elevate Your Strength & Resilience With These Heavy Club Advancements
Jan 07, 2025For thousands of years early humans used levers to fight, hunt, and build. Levers are what allowed us to evolve and thrive as a civilization.
And for thousands of years, clubs were used as a form of exercise that naturally fit with the way humans are meant to move - in rotational patterns, including throwing, chopping, and twisting.
Yet modern lifestyles have moved us further away from our natural movement roots, relegating us to chairs most of the waking day, and moving in straight lines with most modern gym equipment.
You can restore your functional strength for resilience and longevity by swinging levers like we did in the past - a time when we were much more in touch with the earth and natural movement.
And never before have we had the equipment to progress through club swinging like we do now.
In today's video, Mark walks you through the Adex line of clubs, and how someone brand new to club swinging can safely and effectively progress to becoming a well-rounded, strong and capable human again.
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