Forge Strength & Durability For Martial Arts with The Inside Circle

heavy club exercises jiu jitsu martial arts strength Apr 16, 2024

Rotation is the most fundamental and important movement in sport and in life.

Yet, most people can't rotate properly, or have never been taught how.

Learning to rotate correctly, and with load, will not only make you stronger and more resilient, it will improve your athletic performance for things like jiu-jitsu and martial arts.

Martial arts are the world's oldest sports, and the ability to defend yourself has determined one's chances of survival for thousands of years.

Today, we rely much less on self-defense, yet it's still a valuable skillset that will benefit any human.

The Inside Circle is the first move to learn how to properly rotate. 

It also sets the foundation for more advanced rotational movements, and ensures safe practice with heavier loads.

Although, this one is great for martial artists and grapplers, it will benefit anyone regardless of strength, size or skill.










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